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What is a written-off vehicle?


Those vehicles which have been in an accident, or suffered some form of impact, water, fire or malicious damage. Written-off vehicles are classified as either a statutory (unable to be re-registered) or repairable write-off (able to be re-registered in some States once repaired and passes written-off vehicle and safety certificate inspections).

Written off vehicles can be of the following types:

  • Dismantled - A statutory write-off that is stripped of interior and exterior body parts, panels and components
  • Fire damage - Sections or all of the vehicle has been burnt by fire
  • Hail damage - Sections or all of the vehicle has been damaged by hail
  • Impact damage - Damage caused, due to violent contact with another object
  • Malicious damage - Wilful damage or destruction of a vehicle
  • Refer jurisdiction - Contact the registration authority displayed in the 'state of registration'
  • Unrecovered theft - A stolen vehicle that has not been recovered. Contact the relevant registration authority
  • Water damage - Immersed in fresh or salt water